The campus of Delta State University is very subtle and appealing to the eye.

There are many positive things that can be said about the campus.

But there are a few negative aspects that must be addressed.

Some roads on the campus are in terrible condition.

There are two roads in particular that need to have work done on them immediately.


Cain Tatum Hall is on of the oldest dormitories on campus.

That does not mean the ability to travel on the roads around it should be neglected.

In front of Cain Tatum is a very smooth road that is traveled by hundreds, almost thousands of passengers on a normal day.

Behind Cain Tatum is one of the worst roads on campus.

The road is covered in potholes to the point that you need to swerve to dodge them.

The swerving is similar to trying to miss bananas in a Mario Kart game.

The potholes are huge and sometimes scary to some drivers.

If you live in Cain Tatum, you also must be cautious when reversing out of a parking spot.

The potholes are in such an abundance that there is almost no way to dodge them when backing out of a parking spot.


The next road on Delta State’s campus that is in very bad shape is Blansett Hall’s parking lot on its south side.

This parking lot isn’t as bad as the one behind Cain Tatum, but it needs work to be done to it.

There may not be as many potholes around Blansett Hall, but there are larger potholes.

One resident of Blansett Hall stated that, “If you care about your car at all, don’t drive too fast around Blansett.”

A pothole is so big that it looks like it will immediately put a tire on flat if a person isn’t expecting it.

These potholes also are in very distinctive positions.

There is one specific one that will appear as soon as a driver turns into the west end of the southern side of the dormitory.


It is understandable that these roads aren’t priorities because they are rarely seen by visitors, but these are high traffic areas for the university’s students.

The roads are also accident hazards that could lead to dangerous accidents, whether it be a one car accident, or something flying from a car, and hitting a nearby pedestrian.

Delta State is not a perfect college, and neither is it’s campus.

But there is a problem, and it needs to be address.
The campus i
A great way for universities to attract potential students to enroll into the school is the campus.

Delta State should fix the roads in order to accommodate the students that are driving or walking.