K'Na Rose, Events Coordinator
K’Na Rose is a 24 year-old student at Delta State University. She is from Tampa, Flor., but moved to the Mississippi Delta roughly three years ago. She is currently studying art, creative writing and psychology as an Interdisciplinary major at Delta State, but she is also interested in journalism and mass communications. She is an energetic person who is willing to talk to anyone for any period of time. She is also very curious. Her curiosity is a very powerful trait, as it shows her willingness to learn and gain as much knowledge as she possibly can. She has many important skills that will allow her to be successful in her life, but her most important skill is her ability to organize. She has the ability to organize in such an effective way that it leads to her always being on top of situations and rarely being caught off guard. K’na is a caring person and is a wonderful person to get to know.