DSU Gets New Cafeteria

Young-Mauldin Opens in Fall

Young Maudlin Cafeteria is set for a few changes by the end of the summer.

Young Maudlin Cafeteria is set for a few changes by the end of the summer.

Starting fall semester 2018, DSU students will eat in Young-Mauldin cafeteria, which is currently under reconstruction.

DSU allocated $9.2 million for the renovation of this building, which will include a newer dining place, snack bar, theater, and a private dining room. The construction itself started Sept. 1, and will continue for 18 months. Due to this, students have been eating meals in a temporary location, on the first floor of the H. L. Nowell Union.

The Young-Mauldin cafeteria, which was named after Katie Durelle Mauldin, history professor and registrar from 1929 until her retirement in 1961, will provide students with wide variety of fresh cooked meals, Mongolian Grill, and will also be a place where students can have a good time hanging with their friends during dining hours.

International students are twice as happy because now they will have a chance to eat food from their countries, as the Young-Mauldin cafeteria will have a wider variety of dishes.

Ruth Mitsopoulou, an international student from Ethiopia, said that she is extremely excited for this event, and she can’t wait for Young-Mauldin cafeteria to open. There is a logical reason for this: it is located right across from Mitsopoulou’s dorm, Foundation Hall.

Nigerian student, Stella-maris Ndubuisi said: “The Young-Mauldin cafeteria would be a nice place for me because I will have chance to eat and do my homework at the same time, as it will have private rooms.” Ndubuisi is also a huge fan of Asian cuisine, so Mongolian grill would be a perfect option for her.

The Young-Mauldin cafeteria will be a great place either to eat or meet new people because, as it is known, nothing brings people together like a good and delicious food.