Work and School Life Stressing You Out? Don’t Sweat It!

Four Time Management Tips from DSU Alumna Emily Mayeux


Emily Mayeux

Emily Mayeux, Delta State Univ. alumna.

Most students at Delta State have jobs on top of attending school, and sometimes time management can become very frustrating. How do you find time for friends and family? DSU alumna Emily Mayeux has a few tips to help you manage your time.

1. Put Your Schoolwork First

Mayeux says that when it comes to school, your future is in your hands. She does not recommend letting a job come between you and your future.

“I made sure I was off work on the days I had school,” Mayeux states. “There were a few times where I felt like I could not get an assignment done because of work. When this happened, I made sure to manage my time well enough to work around my schedule.” 

Talking to your boss about your school schedule should also make it easier to manage your time.

2. Talk to Your Boss

“Your boss should know your schedule and work around it,” Mayeux says. “I had a good relationship with my boss, and they wanted me to stay and work as much as I did since my job was closer to home,” she adds. “I promised to work every weekend unless there was an emergency.” 

A boss who works with your college schedule is a great one. They should understand that you need to be off on some days and to allow you to do so. In all, Mayeax reminds us that communication is key.

3. Make a List

Laying out your schedule in fine print can be a useful tool in college. Calendars, phone alarms and even just written reminders can help you to schedule your time effectively. 

Mayeux states that, “Listing out what I had to do for each class helped me not only keep track of what I needed to do, but I also like being able to mark off or erase something I completed off my list.”

Sometimes, it may be helpful to visually see what all you must do to comprehend how to time yourself.

When it comes to school, your future is in your hands. Don’t let a job come between you and your future.

— Emily Mayeux

4. Take a Break

Taking a break from the computer can cause procrastination, but that is not always true. For example, if you have a five-hundred-word essay due in two weeks, and you have two hundred of the words typed, why not go take a breather? 

“If I ever got overwhelmed or did nothing but homework all day, I would make myself take a break,” Mayeaux says. “Whether I went out with friends, stopped to eat, watched a movie; just something else to give my mind a break and get a fresh start.” 

Your body needs are important and so is your social life. As hard as it may seem sometimes, you need to take a break.

In all, having a time management plan could affect your stress levels drastically and benefit you as well. Remember to put your school work first, communicate with your boss, create lists, and take a break from time to time.

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