Yellow Rose Bush

Yellow rose bush standing tall and looking well,

You have many stories you could tell.

Some stories of sorrow you might whisper,

While the stories of joy you will yell.


Since your beginning the odds against you were stacked,

Before you could be planted into your first home

It was time to move, and bags were packed.

And as the luggage was stuffed into the truck,

You were thrown into the back.


For many weeks you stayed in that tailgate alone,

Even after the family was moved into their new home.

The summer heat beat down and little wind was blown,

As the lack of water made you dry as a bone.

Right when hope seemed to be lost,

You were finally given your first home.


Finally, you had a home and your first spring was almost there.

Even though you were almost frozen in the winter, you didn’t even care.

With your flowers finally getting ready to bloom,

You were ready to show off some flare.

Many more springs would come and go,

And your beauty was always something you wanted to share.


You loved the family that nurtured you

And brought you to the home you’ve always known.

Though you may not have a heart or even a soul,

You still became sad when one less member of the family came home.


Though there were times when the pain was great

And it was hard for the family to cope.

When springtime would come around,

Your yellow roses were always a sign of hope.


Your many yellow buds were so bright

Even on the darkest of days.

You would always create a smile

And wipe the tears away.


As the family got older, you did too.

But the beauty of all the other flowers,

Could never match up to you.

No matter what obstacle was in your path,

You stuck to the only thing you know how to do.


Even today, as a new family lives in your home,

You still look forward to the spring

Because you know the sight of your yellow roses

Makes people feel joy and lets them know

That they are not alone.


So, thank you yellow rose bush

For always bringing joy to your home.

And thank you yellow rose bush

For always being a symbol of hope.