Faculty Senate Update

Faculty Senate Update

Credit: Brian Turner

The Faculty Senate meeting took place on Jan. 19, 2016.

The agenda was read as printed. More old business than new business was discussed. Throughout the meeting, the one issue that sparked everyone in the room was the evaluation of teachers. To students this isn’t much of a big deal, but to instructors this is part of their careers.

This particular issue was about raising the percentage of students involved in taking teacher evaluations. Many solutions were mentioned such as going “old school” and having students take evaluations on paper. Another suggested that if a student does not participate in the evaluation, the student will not be able to check their grades. It was stated that the problem with both ideas was evaluations are supposed to be anonymous.

This topic will have to go back to the drawing board.

Another issue raised was the drop date for a course. Students are allowed to drop a class after a 60 percent mark of completion without penalty to their financial aid. Nearly every instructor agreed the rate should be raised, and by a majority vote the rate was raised to 61 percent.

Around 5:30, the meeting was adjourned and everyone was dismissed.