The student news site of Delta State University

The Delta Statement

The student news site of Delta State University

The Delta Statement

The student news site of Delta State University

The Delta Statement

A collage of historical pictures from legendary Delta State women’s basketball teams that includes Harris. This one of the few physical pieces of memorabilia recognizing her.

When Will Delta State Monumentalize Lusia “Lucy” Harris?

The Delta Statement March 9, 2023

Delta State is a place many successful people, some legends, have called home. One of these legends is women’s basketball icon, Lusia “Lucy” Harris. However, despite her esteemed career, Harris's...

Stop Selling Our Students Short

Stop Selling Our Students Short

Tia Davis, Social Media April 22, 2019

We as Americans take pride in our children’s education. We take pride in our students becoming successful in their life, so much that we encourage students to think beyond high school and about college.   While...

What should minimum wage be?

What should minimum wage be?

Verity Poglayen, Photography April 10, 2019

In February of 2019, Illinois joined 28 other states in raising the minimum wage in their state. Mississippi still has not changed the wage since it was changed nationwide to $7.25 in 2009. While looking...

Hang Up and Hang Out Are cell phones hurting social interaction?

Hang Up and Hang Out Are cell phones hurting social interaction?

Ryan Rutledge, Social Media November 4, 2018

Cell phones have evolved since their creation over forty years ago and have become a major part in the life of an average American. With the advancements in technology, cell phones have morphed into a...

Can Someone be Good without God?

Can Someone be Good without God?

Claire Foster, Da / Events October 31, 2018

When asking the question, “Can someone be good without God?”,  it is almost seemed like a forbidden subject. Some people in the world believe that a person's religion defines them for life, regardless...

Double Protection or Double Standard?: Male and Female Athletes

Double Protection or Double Standard?: Male and Female Athletes

Jasmine McGill, Photography October 30, 2018

Say the name Kobe Bryant and the average person will be able to tell you who he is and what he does. Some people will know a lot and will have no trouble sharing. Say the name Diana Taurasi and the average...

Justice System Jokes: A look at “affluenza” and why it’s a problem

Justice System Jokes: A look at “affluenza” and why it’s a problem

Liz Howell, Copy Editor October 30, 2018

Affluenza: noun af·flu·en·za | \ˌa-(ˌ)flü-ˈen-zə  \ definition of “affluenza:” the unhealthy and unwelcome psychological and social effects of affluence regarded especially as a widespread...

What Easter Means to Me

What Easter Means to Me

Katherine White, Staff Writer March 29, 2016

Easter to me is a time when families can come together to eat Sunday lunch and retell a story that has been told for centuries. It is the story of Easter. In my family we gather on Easter Sunday at my...